January 16-17, 2010
Downtown Orlando Marriott
Your Vote Matters. Your Vote will determine the future of our country
In Florida, the Asian population grew by 78% making it the state's fastest growing minority group
it was never enforced or put into practice,
This law was originally enacted in response to a movement
from West to East that begun with
There is a wealth of reports from various think-tanks and government offices regarding the crisis that faces our immigration system.
The Economics and Policy of Illegal Migration in the United States
At an EEOC Commission Meeting held on July 22, 2008, Dr. Paul Ong of UCLA presented an overview of the APA workforce in the United States. More...
Jobs. Florida's seasonally adjusted unemployment
rate for December 2009 is 11.8 percent. This represents
1,087,000 jobless out of a labor force of 9,180,000. The
unemployment rate is up 0.3 percentage point from the November
rate of 11.5 percent, and up 4.2 percentage points from the December 2008 rate.
Workers Compensation and Return to Work Program
Where to find
Grants. For over 20 years, Florida Funding Publications has been Florida's leading publishing authority on reference materials targeting grant seeking and grant making activities.
Housing. In addition to Florida Housing, various local, state and federal organizations and agencies serve as a resource for affordable housing issues. ...
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Florida was recorded to be $734.5 billion, a few years ago, which made it the fourth largest economy in the United States of America. The chief contributors to the economy of Florida were tourism, general services, financial services, trade, transportation and public utilities, manufacturing and construction
Learn more about Asian Minority businesses in Florida.
Florida Asian Business Resources
The Global Issues Network aims to take this awareness to the next level as implied by its founding mission (2003–10): to help students realise they can make a difference by empowering them to work internationally with their peers to develop solutions for global issues.” It is an international network of students that aims to promote globalization and to raise awareness of the social responsibility of "global citizens", and develop solutions for modern global issues. More...